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Selected meditation: Tuesday, February 24, 2009
"The workings of the human psyche can be compared to how a radio works. You turn your radio on, and you can choose whether you listen to music, drama or news, but sometimes, before you find the right station, you’re subjected to quite a cacophony. Well, it’s the same with your inner world: there too you have the choice of which programme you wish to hear, but occasionally, either through carelessness or ill-will, you press the wrong button, and then what a din, what a row! Correct your mistake immediately. Through thought and imagination you can pick up wavelengths that will allow you to hear the voices of heaven: the voices of peace and harmony.
What does it mean to pray? It means finding the wavelength in ourselves that will put us in touch with the heavenly entities, with the Lord, and these entities will let us participate in the orderly, harmonious movement of their existence. To pray is to release a divine vibration within ourselves."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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