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Daily Meditation: Saturday, January 18, 2025
Previous incarnations - knowing the details could hinder your evolution
"If it were so important for human beings to know about their previous incarnations, why would Providence hide the details from them? The day will come, of course, when we need to know about our past lives, but we must first achieve greater self-mastery. Imagine being told that so-and-so had murdered you in a previous incarnation: what would be the result if you are not strong and fully in control of yourself? There is great danger in such revelations, for they can rob you of your peace of mind and trigger all sorts of emotions that could hinder your evolution.
Imagine still the case of certain parents who do not know that their children had been their worst enemies in a past life. Not knowing it, they give them all possible love and care, thus healing the rift between them and paying their debts. But what tragedies might ensue if they learned the truth. Providence has chosen to leave human beings in ignorance of certain situations so that they may best pay their debts and evolve."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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