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Selected meditation: Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Ambiance - it brings out people’s good or bad side
"The power of an atmosphere, an ambience, is enormous, because this is what brings out the good or bad side of people. That is why you must strive to be in an atmosphere of peace, harmony and light as often as possible. Of course, these effects do not often last beyond the time you spend in this ambience, but at least the lower nature is reduced to silence for several moments, and the higher nature can flourish. If you keep repeating this experience, one day the higher nature will finally become predominant.
Obviously, some people consider that toning down their lower nature is a sign of weakness; they feel much better giving vent to their domineering instincts and aggression – letting loose their wild beasts. But what damage these beasts wreak everywhere, devouring their children – in other words, their good thoughts and feelings, which are not yet firm and strong. We need to confine our wild beasts for a while, and that is what we seek to do by creating a harmonious atmosphere.*"

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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