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Daily Meditation: Sunday, September 8, 2024
Inner sun - from which we can draw everything we need
"If you look closely at the symbolism contained in the image of the sun, you will have to acknowledge that it is the best representation of God we could have. And we clearly have a great deal of inner work to do with this image of the sun. You can look at the sun for years and imagine all kinds of things about it, but until you feel it vibrating, radiating, pulsating within you, it will be foreign to you. It will have nothing to say to you. It would even be pointless to go and look at it. You will be warmed and invigorated a little, and you will receive a few calories and ‘vitamins’, but you will not discover that which is essential.
What is essential is to find your inner sun, which is the sign that the Deity dwells within you. At that point, you will no longer even need books or pictures, temples, statues or crosses… not even the physical sun or the stars. You will draw everything you need from within, from your inner sun.*"

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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