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Daily Meditations 2011
Daily Meditations 2011
Ref. : PQ2011AN
393 pages - Size : 10 x 16 cm
ISBN 978-2-85566-992-2
Translated into : Français Italiano Deutsch Português Nederlands Español Românã
Price:   15.95 



22 May : Thankfulness, gratitude, has the power to cleanse the body, neutralize poisons and renew physical matter…
Why are humans so ungrateful – ungrateful towards the Lord, ungrateful towards nature, ungrateful towards one another? All they remember of their day-to-day life is what they didn’t have or didn’t like, so they do not see that there is much to be thankful for. And yet, there is an enormous amount to be thankful for. Those who want to progress on the path of evolution must learn gratitude, for that is what will one day give them the key to the transformation of matter. Try to really understand that, if you know how to give thanks, the nature of the elements composing your physical matter will be different, more sensitive, subtler and more resistant, and you will feel your psychic and even your physical organs doing better work.

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov


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