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Daily meditations 2007
Daily meditations 2007
Ref. : PQ2007AN
400 pages - Size : 10 cm x 16 cm
ISBN 2-85566-932-4
Translated into : Français Português Nederlands Deutsch Español
Price:   15.95 



12 May

To become truly alive means to awaken to the infinite manifestations of life around us, to greet those we meet with respect, to see the spark of divine life in them and to thank them for all they give us or do for us, sometimes without our knowledge.
To become truly alive means to be forever filled with wonder, to see people and things as if for the first time. Yes, this is what it means to be alive with the life of God himself. It is possible to find true religion in church, but it exists first of all in life, and it is up to us to maintain a conscious relationship with life in all its finest manifestations.


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