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Thought for the day
Catalogue by theme
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Daily meditations 1998
Daily meditations 1998
Ref. : PQ1998AN
Size 10 x 16
ISBN 1-895978-11-4
Translated into : Français Deutsch Português Português Românã
Price:   15.95 

Table of contents

A THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - Themes For Meditations



It is difficult to find inner balance and to maintain it, because our day-to-day lives constantly present us with problems to solve. Whether they be personal or collective, we experience these problems as shocks, upheaval, conflict. We feel shaken, thrown off balance, disoriented, and whatever we may do in our struggle to maintain our equilibrium, we cannot succeed as long as we have no philosophical system. Because a philosophical system first of all shows us what we are, what we have to work on, and what instruments we have at our disposal to do the work. Then it shows us the course we must take, and finally the divine goal we must achieve. And it is to this goal, this summit, that we must hold fast, because it is here we shall find safety.


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