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Daily Meditations 2021
Daily Meditations 2021
Ref. : PQ2021AN
405 pages - Size 10 x 16 cm - Includes index, as well as an introduction to the two natures of the human being and the Sephirotic Tree.
ISBN 978-2-8184-0515-4
Translated into : Français Italiano Deutsch Nederlands
Price:   15.95 



22 January
Each human being can be compared to a drop of water, and each drop of water falls exactly where Cosmic Intelligence intended it to fall so as to accomplish its task.
Each drop has to sacrifice itself in one way or another, by quenching the thirsty, refreshing those who are hot, washing those who are dirty after a day’s work, watering the seeds in the fields, and so on. Yes, the sacrifices demanded of water are many – it is used to make bread, cook food and even to dissolve poison – and it must never rebel against what is asked of it; it must always accept. When it has fulfilled its mission, it can return to the heavens and become transparent again. The same is true of human beings.
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov


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