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Daily Meditations 2001
Daily Meditations 2001
Ref. : PQ2001AN
400 pages - Pocket Size
ISBN 9781895978247
Translated into : Français Nederlands Português Românã
Price:   15.95 



July 21:
"When you meditate and pray intensely, you send out harmonious waves, and these waves go out to the world to reach men and women who open themselves to this idea of a fraternity, this idea for which we work. Yes, by the powerful and harmonious waves that you emit, you send messages that are picked up by beings who are receptive and prepared for this. And without even knowing where this impetus comes from, they often make the resolution to work for peace and fraternity in the world, for the propagation of light, for the glory of God. Wherever they may be and whoever they may be, even if we do not know them, all these beings are linked to us, for it is the design of heaven that all children of God be united for the coming of his kingdom on earth."





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