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Words : act on people without their knowledge
"Are mothers aware of all the possibilities the spoken word affords them in the education of their children? Even when a child is too young to understand what is said to him, his mother can begin talking to him, and even when he is sleeping. She need not wait until he is old enough to understand. A mother should make a habit of speaking to her child with a great deal of love and conviction. She should tell him what she hopes he will become in the future. Since the word is an active force, entities who have heard and recorded everything set to work in the subconscious of this little child. They activate processes in his mind, in his heart and in all the cells and organs of his body. They gather the elements that later on will enable him to manifest the gifts and qualities his mother wished for him. Once they know this, human beings can use the spoken word to give something good to all beings they wish to help, even if the others are unaware of it."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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