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Weaknesses : are in reality forces to be mobilized
"Instead of allowing themselves to weaken and be laid low, human beings must learn to put all their defects and weaknesses to work so that they become useful. Some of you will say: ‘But we have to wage war against these defects, we have to annihilate them!’ Just try, and you will see how difficult it is: it is you who will be annihilated! In order to triumph over your faults, you must find a method other than fighting them. Whether it is a matter of gourmandise, sensuality, cupidity or vanity, you must learn to mobilise them so that they stimulate you to advance in the spiritual direction you have chosen. All these inferior tendencies you think of as weaknesses are in reality forces. You know all too well all the energy they represent. If you are alone in your work, you will not go far. If you chase your enemies away, if you suppress everything that offers you resistance, who will work for you? Who will serve you?"

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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