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Water - how to enter into relation with it : how to enter into relation with it
" It is good to go out into nature, to walk by waterfalls and along rivers, to drink the water from springs, to swim in lakes and seas. But in fact, water cannot do a great deal for you unless you truly know how to make contact with it, how to talk to it and establish a bond with it. You may enter into relationship with water only on the condition that you approach it with respect, aware that it is inhabited by beautiful and pure entities who will not be well disposed toward you unless you are treat them with love and consideration. For example, if you want to swim, particularly in a lake, pay attention; do not do so in just any frame of mind. Ask permission of the entities, for in bathing in this water, you are ridding yourself of your impurities in their dwelling, and you must be conscious of the fact that you may antagonize them. So be vigilant. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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