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Water : a support for spiritual work
"Learn to use water in your spiritual work. For example: after you have washed your hands well, take a glass of pure water, preferably spring water, and hold it in your left hand. Put one or more fingers of your right hand into the water while concentrating on a quality that you would like to acquire, on some progress you would like to make, or even on an improvement in your health. White magicians have been able to heal the sick by giving them water they have magnetised in this way. But, in working with water, you should not imagine that right away you are going to regain your health or heal the sick. This would be truly presumptuous. I am giving you this method only as an exercise, so that you learn to use water as a support to your spiritual work. Then, drink the water if you wish, or use it to water your flowers."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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