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Water : how to enter into relationship with it
"Even in such a small quantity, the glass of water before you represents all the water on earth. Symbolically, magically, one drop of water alone is in fact sufficient to link you to all rivers and to every ocean, provided you know how to speak to it. You must greet it so that it becomes even more alive and vibrant; tell it how much you admire it, how beautiful you find it, and that you wish to share in its purity and transparency. Then, touch this water: dip your fingers into it, and at the same time imagine you are making contact with its etheric body, that you are absorbing its vibrations and are imbued with them. If you do this exercise with reverence, you will feel your body vibrate in harmony with the whole of nature; you will become lighter and purer, and even your mind will function better."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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