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Voice of heaven : criteria for recognising it
"There are people who go around telling everyone that God speaks to them, or if it is not God, it is an angel, a prophet or a saint. Obviously, we can say whatever we like, but there are irrefutable criteria for recognising whether the voice we think we are hearing truly comes from heaven, or if it is simply wild imaginings. First of all, we must be able to distinguish clearly the correct path to follow, and to walk steadfastly on this path. Then, we must become more and more open to others, so that we are able to understand them, to love them and help them, and in doing so to experience that true dilation of the heart which moves us to give thanks to God at every moment. Finally, we must have free will, so that we are unfettered in the accomplishment of everything that is just, good and beautiful. Anyone who meets these three conditions can hope that the voice he hears does, in fact, come from heaven. But to tell everyone about it is unnecessary."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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