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Universal harmony : we tune to it through our superior nature
"Cosmic Intelligence has given all creatures inhabiting the universe a certain sound. This same Cosmic Intelligence has attuned these creatures to one another so they are able to form a symphony in the vastness of the universe. Unfortunately, what we hear on earth is an appalling cacophony, because human beings have lost the state of innocence in which God originally created them. They no longer vibrate in unison with the universal harmony, because their consciousness is limited and centred on their personality, on their inferior nature which incites them to act out of selfishness and passion. When they begin to emerge from the limits of their inferior nature and enter into the immensity of their superior nature, they will vibrate in harmony with the entire universe. Thanks to this harmony, they will receive the best influences, because they will have restored the channel through which celestial energies can circulate and come to visit them."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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