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Universal brotherhood : the only solution to humanity’s problems
"We have seen plans formulated for a Pan- Europe, a Pan-Asia, a Pan America or a Pan-Africa, with the purpose of establishing peace in the world. This represents great progress, of course, but nothing will truly be resolved in this way. Instead of country attacking country, this could mean continent attacking continent: Asia against Europe, for example. Would this be better? Only ‘Pan-Earth’ can solve all problems…Pan-Earth, the entire world united in one single family. Yes, the only solution to the problems of humanity is universal brotherhood. May all people reach out to one another and unite. One day, from every direction, we will hear people send up a cry for this fraternity to be realized at last, and this will be the most beautiful day in the history of humankind."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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Complete Works
The Mysteries of Yesod - Foundations of Spiritual Life
Izvor Collection
The Zodiac, Key to Man and to the Universe
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The Giant "Put Master Omraam to Work" Sharing Special




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