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‘To know, to want, to dare, to be silent’ : application of this precept
"‘To know, to want, to dare, to be silent.’ In formulating this precept which can be thought of as the quintessence of initiatic knowledge, the sage who gave it to us did not specify what it is that we should know, want, dare, or be silent about. He left the field open for thought and reflection. It is for us to discover how vast are its applications, one of which concerns the question of sacrifice. We must ‘know’ what the process of sacrifice involves, and what it is that we must sacrifice. We must ‘want’ to make this sacrifice and then ‘dare’ to do it, which means boldly engaging ourselves on this path despite the difficulties, conscious not only that we have nothing to lose but that we will gain something precious. And finally, we must ‘be silent’, for it is best not to display the wealth we have acquired through these sacrifices. Even as we benefit others with these riches, it is best to veil them, or we risk evoking misunderstanding and hostility in some of them. It is easier to help people when they are unaware of your inner riches."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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