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Time : never concern yourself with it in spiritual work
"Nothing escapes the law of effort, which is to say, the law of time. The work we must carry out on ourselves is a matter of centuries, of millennia, and as long as we take the human life span as our measure, our calculations will be wrong. When all is said and done, it is time which delivers the verdict, time which tells us whether or not we are on the right path. But we must not be in a hurry, because those who are in a hurry inevitably meet with failure, and this discourages them and causes them to abandon their work. The worst thing that can happen to a human being is to lose the taste for the work he must patiently carry out on himself each day. It shows he is unaware of the riches he possesses – all the precious stones God has placed in him in the form of qualities and virtues, which he allows to stagnate in their gangue. We must never, for any reason, abandon this work. We must continue, without looking for quick results."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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