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Thoughts and feelings : human beings are a food for creatures in the invisible world
"By observing insects we can make very interesting discoveries about our psychic life. For example: if we leave a little food on a table, right away insects such as flies, ants and wasps appear. By what intuition or power of divination are they able to detect from afar the presence of these crumbs? And if we clean them up, the insects leave. Well, the same law applies to the psychic realm. Here, too, all sorts of ‘insects’ sense from afar the impurities that human beings accumulate in themselves, and they come to feed off them. Everywhere, in all realms, everything is food for something else. Dark and evil creatures need to eat, as do luminous and divine beings. Therefore, beware of the entities which your thoughts and feelings attract to you!"

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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