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Thoughts and feelings : start currents of beneficial or malefic forces
"The thoughts, feelings and desires of human beings all pour into the invisible world where they activate either benevolent or maleficent currents. But because very few people are taught about this, there are four or five billion individuals on the earth who, every day, ceaselessly and unconsciously trigger destructive forces. If we try to enlighten them, they are wide-eyed in astonishment and ask what we are talking about: if thoughts and feelings cannot be seen or touched, how can they influence events? Well, in fact, they do. The inner life, the life of thought is essential for building our future and that of humanity. That is why the first thing we learn in an initiatic school is to watch over our thoughts, our feelings and our desires. We learn to assess their objectives and their direction so that we can unite with the beneficial forces of nature. In doing so, we work on our own evolution and that of the whole world. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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