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Thought for the day
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Thought : strengthens the physical treatment of the sick
"It is reasonable to treat physical illnesses with physical remedies, but that is not sufficient. When people become ill, it is, more often than not, the result of certain errors they have made in the realms of thought and feeling; and as long as they do not improve these realms, they cannot be completely healed. Therefore, the solution is to use all the resources medicine has to offer and at the same time address the emotional and mental aspects of the problem in order to eliminate the cause. That people take medicines and undergo treatments is fine, but they must accompany these treatments with work on the psyche, because with time thoughts and feelings eventually affect matter and take part in its transformation. This is true medicine! Take medicines if necessary, but add to them the power of your thought and the strength of your love, and they will be more effective."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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