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Talent : entities we must provide with favourable conditions
"There are men and women whose talent amazes us; they have a gift. And what is a gift? It is an entity who has come to dwell in them in order to manifest itself through them. Of course our contemporaries, who want to appear rational, would never admit to this idea that talents and abilities are entities who dwell in human beings. But then why is it that people sometimes lose these gifts? Precisely because it is a guest who very much wanted to make its home in them, but as they created intolerable conditions for it, this being eventually left. This has happened to many people who, instead of carefully guarding their treasure, squandered it on a life of mindless escapades, dishonesty and intrigue. They assumed their talent was theirs to keep forever, but no, this is unfortunately not the case. If you do not want to lose your gifts, or if you want to amplify them or acquire others, you must prepare suitable conditions for these celestial entities: peace, harmony and light."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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