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Sympathies and antipathies : how to use them
"Every day you meet new people, and instinctively you like some and dislike others. This is natural. But these first impressions of pleasure or displeasure, of like or dislike, are not good criteria for judging people. When you want to establish a lasting relationship with someone as a friend or a colleague, or even as a partner in starting a family, you should try to reason and carefully study the matter. It may well be that this person you find so sympathetic is actually someone evil who will deceive you and make you suffer. At the same time you will have passed by others, perhaps less sympathetic at first sight, who were fair, honest and good, and with whom you could have established a lasting relationship. In your encounters with others, then, call on thoughtfulness and wisdom, which are far more sagacious than your first impressions. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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