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Superstition - to believe we reap where we have not sown : to believe we reap where we have not sown
"Would you like me to give you a definition of superstition? To be superstitious is to believe you can reap where you have not sown. True faith, on the other hand, is knowing that after you sow, you will reap, either in this or another life, or even through your children. If you sow good seeds in fertile ground at a favourable moment, they will germinate and grow. Some seeds may be lost, but the majority will grow and bear fruit. So many men and women who have never worked in the intellectual, emotional or physical domain hope to reap something, and when they are faced with their failure, they call it unfair! But whose fault is it? Those who sow and plant, who have true faith, are never disappointed. Those who are disappointed expected impossible harvests. " Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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