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Sun : teaches us how to stay near the summit
"Make every effort to rise very high in yourself and to remain there as long as possible. To rise to the heights and remain there means to be forever noble, just and generous. The heights of which I speak refer to the grandeur and the light within you, and this grandeur and light teach you that you must learn to descend in order to help your human brothers and sisters. While you live and work on earth among your fellow human beings, you must not descend inwardly, which means you must not give reign to inferior tendencies or participate in selfish or dishonest pursuits. In your efforts to rise in yourself, you must never imitate those who are haughty, inaccessible and hard, and who do not want to lower themselves by offering a hand. Instead, take the sun as your example: he descends to our level, he warms and illuminates us, he sends us his messages, his soul and his love. He gives us his life, but he himself remains eternally in the heights."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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