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Sun : the most dazzling representation of God in the universe
"We must recognize the fact that for human beings, God is inconceivable. But out of his goodness and generosity he wants to reveal himself to us, and he has left signs everywhere in creation that allow us to find him. The trouble is that people do not look for these signs, and even when they are right in front of their eyes, they fail to interpret them. The result is that the God in whom the Christians believe remains an abstraction for them. And because human beings are unable to live with abstractions, they have greatly increased the number of statues, medallions, crosses, and holy pictures… all sorts of material, concrete representations of the Divinity, to an extent that is even childish and ridiculous. It is imperative that human beings learn to find the signs the Creator has left in creation, the most striking of which is the sun. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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