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Sun : the only explanation for the mystery of the Holy Trinity
"Life is the force of all forces, and only the sun can give human beings an idea of it. We experience two manifestations of this life: light and warmth. How many times have I explained to you that if Christians would open themselves to the sun, they would better understand what they call the mystery of the Holy Trinity, the mystery of a single God in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. The Father represents the life from which proceed the Son and the Holy Ghost, light and warmth, or in other words, wisdom and love. But what can we do if Christians refuse to understand that the sun alone can provide them with an example of and a means of understanding the foundation of their religion? And what can I do if, when I talk to them about meditating on the sunrise, they imagine I intend to lead them back to ancient cults in which the sun was worshipped as a divinity?"

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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