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Sun : gives the principles of a universal religion
"In order to understand what true religion is, human beings must draw closer to the light, warmth and life of the sun. That is to say, they must seek the wisdom which enlightens them and resolves all problems, the disinterested love which beautifies, encourages and consoles them, and the subtle, spiritual life which renders them active, dynamic and daring, so that they may realize the Kingdom of God and His Justice on earth. And no one can contest this religion: anyone who tries to destroy it destroys himself, because he restricts himself. When this understanding of a universal religion penetrates every mind, the whole organisation of life will become universal: all separation between human beings will cease to exist, including borders and wars. As they come to know the sun in its sublime expression of light, warmth and life, human beings will draw closer and closer to the Divinity, and they will transform the earth into a garden of Eden where all will live as brothers and sisters. Everyone must accept this universal religion, this brotherhood which the sun teaches us."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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