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Summit - its symbolism : its symbolism
"In many traditions, the universe is represented as a mountain, on the summit of which the Divinity has his dwelling, inaccessible and inviolate. The Greeks situated their gods on the top of Mount Olympus, and Moses spoke to God on Mount Horeb. Initiates have always made use of this symbol of the summit, even in countries where there were no high mountains. The quest for the summit is the most important and most meaningful endeavor a human being can undertake. It means he is conscious that the forces and virtues brought together in him by the Creator can lead him beyond all earthly realizations. In the Cabbalah, the Tree of Life can be compared to a mountain whose summit is the sephirah Kether, the all powerful, the all-knowing, divine love. To reach this summit, great qualities are necessary: tenacity, willpower, stability, intelligence, daring and, above all, an irresistible desire for light and purity. These qualities are represented by the other sephiroth, from Malkuth to Chokmah."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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