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Success : each one increases our forces
"Set to work with conviction, without worrying about how long it will take to realize your divine ideal. You have all the keys and you have all the powers. All the inner voices that encourage you, saying: ‘Get up and walk toward the light!’ represent the capital you have already accumulated in the past as a result of the work you have done. Yes, this urge you feel to move forward along the path to perfection is in itself the result of efforts you have made in the past. And what happens when you make some progress, however slight, on the spiritual plane? Scattered and disorganized forces which have been sleeping in you for thousands of years awaken and respond to your call. In one fell swoop, you realize you have been inhabited by an entire army that has been waiting to be mobilized. The moment you achieve a success, you discover undreamt of forces within you"

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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The Second Birth
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Education Begins Before Birth
Izvor Collection
Sons and Daughters of God




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read by Joe Moscolo!

Both : book and CD in a special box. Nice!
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