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Subtle life : create a relationship with the Subtle life of beings
"You meet a person who you think is wonderful, you feel attracted to him; you love him and you want to know him better. Well, you must be prudent. Instead of trying at all cost to get as close as possible to him on the physical plane, learn to listen to the vibrations of his voice, to capture the light in his face, and to rejoice in the harmony of his gestures. In this way, you will gradually succeed in relating to what is most subtle and spiritual in him, and you will taste new and indescribable sensations. By adopting this attitude, you will finally discover that the men and women you have tended to look down on or ignore because of their modest and unimpressive appearance are, in fact, exceptional beings who will offer you much more than others who seem more interesting and more seductive."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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