1999- echo date("Y"); ?> Prosveta
Subtle centres : enable us to contact the spiritual world
"Obviously, the initiates of antiquity did not have had the same knowledge of anatomy and physiology as biologists do today. But their practices of meditation, of astral projection, allowed them to discover that beyond the organs (the stomach, lungs, heart, brain, and so on) which allow them to live on the physical plane, human beings possess subtle centres which enable them to make contact with the spiritual world and to bring back absolute truths from these explorations. Scientists must now decide to explore this capacity of human beings to enter into relationship with the world of invisible realities, and, in order to do so, they must agree to conduct a serious study of the experiences of the mystics, the spiritual Masters. Contrary to what many have believed and continue to believe, the mystic is not someone who throws himself into wild imaginings which lead him to nothing, except to a loss of reason. The true mystic walks on the path of balance, beauty, light and revelations of the highest order." Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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