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Spring : never prevent it from flowing
"Even if you reap only indifference or ingratitude, never stop loving and doing good because the love within you is a spring and, if you decide to stop it flowing, it is you who will be the first to dry up. Of course, no-one then will be able to take advantage of you or deceive you, but the water of your spiritual spring will no longer flow, and you will lose your life force. Yes, for when you allow your spring to run dry, the divine world closes off and you become empty and poor. It is sometimes useful, from an educational point of view, to close off to someone in order to teach him a necessary lesson, but it is very harmful to close off to human beings in general. Whether people deserve it or not, allow the spring of love in you to flow. You will say, ‘Yes, but if they do not deserve my love, this is not just!’ Do not be so concerned with what is and is not just: practise the injustice of love, or else you will become a desert!" Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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