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Spirituality : vital necessity for the human being
"To show an interest in and an understanding of the various forms of spirituality is perfectly acceptable. What is dangerous, however, is to dissipate oneself, to fail to choose one method of inner work in which to engage oneself. The question is not whether we should be Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Muslim, Buddhist, Taoist, or nothing at all. The point – and it concerns each one of us, whether we believe or not – is to settle on a few essential spiritual truths and put them into practice. Spirituality is not an optional realm that we can choose or not, as we do with other disciplines such as languages, art, sports, and so on. Given the structure of the human being, spirituality is a vital necessity for him. As long as he is not conscious of this necessity, he throws himself into activities that are absurd and dangerous, both for himself and for others. His structure is such that he needs to find nourishment for his soul and his spirit."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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