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Spiritual work : capture the light
"Spiritual work is first and foremost a work with the light.
It is written in Genesis that at the beginning of the world, God created the light. But this was not the physical light we know, which only appeared on the fourth day with the creation of the sun and the stars. The light God called on in the beginning when he said:’ Let there be light’ is the cosmic light, this substance from which he made the matter of creation. If we meditate on this light and work to impregnate ourselves with it, we may attain the essence of God himself.
When you eat, when you do your breathing exercises, when you pray, meditate, sing and go to the sunrise, know that it is possible to absorb this divine quintessence. Since it is the very matter of creation, you will always manage to extract from it at least a few particles, a few atoms, thanks to your work with thought. " Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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