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Spiritual work : based on perseverance
"As with all other activities, spiritual work produces results only if we apply ourselves with patience and perseverance. Someone complains to me: ‘You speak to us endlessly of the divine world, of luminous beings we can contact by means of thought. But I have tried so often, to no avail. I sense nothing but a void!’ The fact that you haven’t yet achieved results doesn’t prove I am misleading you. The opaque layers of psychic matter that envelop you prevent you from feeling the presence of the divine world and its inhabitants, who are there and real. Because you do not experience anything, you imagine nothing is there. Yes, something is there, so continue… Above all else, spiritual work requires steadfastness. Continue in your efforts, and gradually you will sense a path opening up before you, a bridge connecting you to higher regions. One day you will only have to concentrate a few moments on these regions in order to feel yourself showered by the blessings of heaven."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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