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Spiritual work : has laws that we must know
"Those who decide to undertake a spiritual work must understand that this work involves an extremely subtle matter which eludes all our usual means of investigation. But the results that can be obtained on the spiritual plane are as real as those that can be obtained on the physical plane. In the same way that it is real on the physical plane to saw wood or make soup, it is real on the spiritual plane to activate forces, direct currents and enlighten peoples’ consciousness. Sooner or later the results will appear, but first they are produced on the subtle planes. Those who do not understand these laws want to see immediate, concrete results of their inner work. When it appears that nothing is happening, they are disappointed, and this disappointment can lead them to destroy what they have already created. But now that you understand, you will not be discouraged."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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