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Spiritual teaching : only seek it as a means for perfecting yourself
"When we decide to follow a spiritual teaching, we must seek nothing other than methods for improving ourselves. Those who imagine that through a spiritual teaching they will learn the secrets of the elixir of eternal youth or the universal panacea, and, that they will then be sheltered from illness, old age and death, are under dangerous illusions. Even a saint, an initiate, despite his knowledge, light and power, does not escape illness or old age. Just because we are living in the light does not mean we are sheltered from physical harm. Light is one thing, health and longevity are another. Light is even willing to remove you from the earth and take you to its own region on high. To those who cling desperately to the earth, it says: ‘But why do you insist on staying so long in this dark place? Come and live with me.’ In the meantime, we must work with all the means a spiritual teaching gives to us."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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