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Spiritual master : shows us the way to God
"You should not ask that a spiritual master be all-knowing and all-powerful. You have the right to ask only one thing of him: that he serve as a link to heaven for you, that he show you the path towards God, that he guide you on the path of light. Moreover, a true spiritual master will not keep you for himself; he will take you to God. And if you insist upon staying close to him, he will tell you: ‘No, do not count so much on me. I cannot give you everything; only God can fulfil you. I can only help you to find the path. If you like, I am like a telephone booth that enables you to communicate with the divine world, with the heavenly hierarchies, and that is all.’ That is what a true master will say. If he is not a true master, of course, he will tell you all sorts of other things, and then it is up to you to be discerning."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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