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Spiritual master : prepares his disciples for their divine parents
"We must have confidence in those beings who have advanced further along the path of evolution than we have, in the initiates and the great masters, for we need their instruction and guidance. We must not be afraid that they will abuse their authority by taking away our freedom, because they have no wish to hold onto us. Their only aim is to put us in contact with a world which we could not readily access on our own. Currents of pure energy circulate through them; they are like springs which can quench our thirst until we are able to drink directly from the Cosmic Source. Just as good parents know that they must not hold onto their children, a spiritual master knows that his sole purpose is to prepare his disciples for their divine parents, that is to say, for the parents of their soul and spirit: the Universal Soul and Cosmic Spirit."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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