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Spiritual engagement : never renounce it, despite inevitable discouragements
"Even if you are absolutely convinced of the soundness of your spiritual commitment, there are times when you feel tired and begin to doubt. You wonder whether your efforts to walk in the path of goodness and to surpass yourself are worthwhile, and you are tempted to abandon everything. Well, this is when you must be cautious and vigilant. You must be mindful of the disappointments awaiting you should you turn back. Tell yourself: ‘All right, at the moment I’m a little tired and don’t feel like going on, but soon this will pass. In the meantime, I mustn’t give up.’ Notice how in life everything passes: spring gives way to summer, then to fall, then to winter, and after winter comes spring once again. So why wouldn’t there be cycles and seasons within you as well? Say to yourself: ‘Very well, I will wait awhile and let this winter pass, and after that things will be better.’ This is how you must reason. Above all, do not give up, because once you have done so, it is far more difficult to take up the path of light again."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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