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Spiritual Master : gives human beings the conditions in which to manifest their divine nature
"The task of a spiritual Master is to provide human beings with the best conditions in which to manifest the qualities buried within them, however deeply. There may be surprises for him…and good surprises, why only bad ones? But a Master is neither naïve nor gullible, and if he has confidence in others, it is not because he imagines that what is selfish in them will become generous, for example, or that what is weak will become strong. No, he knows this is impossible. The inferior nature in humankind – we can even call it the animal nature – will always remain what it is. But beyond this nature, which is egotistical, weak, harsh and cunning, there is another nature, a divine nature which is capable of the noblest expressions. The Master knows this nature, and it is to this that he addresses himself. He sends signals to this nature and provides the means for its manifestation." Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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