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Spirit : must manifest through matter
"Because God wants to know Himself through matter, He has created suns, planets, stones, plants, animals and human beings. And because man was created in the image of God, he too wants to know himself through matter. His spirit is immersed in the matter of his body which is a microcosm of the universe, and it is through this body that he seeks to know himself. But he will gain this knowledge only when he has worked to render this matter so subtle and transparent that it will no longer hinder him. We are here on earth to reach one goal only: to manifest the light and power of the spirit. This light and this power are always within us and, in exceptional circumstances, we feel them burst forth. We believe they have come to us suddenly, out of the blue. No, they were already inside us but, at that precise moment, we enabled our spirit to manifest through our matter."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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