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Spirit : seek to reach the Spirit so as to master all situations
"If you are insignificant and little known in society, you are powerless to intervene in the affairs of state. To be able to do so, you must go all the way to the centre (or to the summit, which is symbolically the same) where the king or president is to be found, and become his minister. At that moment, yes, you have every possibility, because you have reached the central point, or the zenith. As long as you remain below, or on the periphery, no-one listens to you. And the same law applies in the spiritual realm. As long as you do not succeed in reaching the centre or the summit within you, that is to say your spirit, you can achieve certain things, of course, but you are not truly in charge of anything. Whereas once you manage to link with your spirit, you are the master, because this centre affords you all possibilities, and you are fully in charge. So, stop being concerned with achievements that are futile and transitory; work to reach the spirit within you, without worrying about the time it will take."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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