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Source of life : never cut yourself off from it
"You believe that God does not protect you, that He has allowed evil and the wicked to triumph over you. You go about settling your accounts with Him, and in your consciousness you begin to distance yourself from Him. But you must understand that to settle your accounts with God solves nothing for, in doing so, it is you who again loses something precious. Can you not feel it? So you must now turn back, and say, ‘Lord, I thought I could get away from You, that I could get by without You, but now I am doubly unhappy.’ Until you have understood this, you will only add spiritual misery to your moral and physical suffering. Yes, by cutting yourself off from the Source of life, light and love, you are depriving yourself of that which sustains, nourishes and inspires you. Imagine that this Source also flows within you, and that it is this which nourishes your own existence."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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