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Soul and spirit : guarantee of love: seek the Soul and spirit
"Animosity and hatred arise between human beings because face to face with one another they are never conscious that they are in the presence of a spirit, a spark that is seeking to manifest itself and that, in order to help this spirit before them, it is worth their while to be kind, patient and generous. Given the way they are used to thinking of each other and what they see in each other when they meet, it is inevitable that they end up wanting to kill each other. And even Christians who have, supposedly, placed the love of one’s neighbour as the foundation of their religion, do they not continue to live in hatred and confrontation? Yes. Why? Precisely because they never see beyond people’s lower nature. If they understood that there was a soul and spirit in them to which they could relate, they would feel obliged to behave differently."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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