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Solutions : real Solutions are found on high, in the domain of the spirit
"Why is the brain situated at the top of the body? If you understood the reason, you would not remain down below in your heart and your emotions, suffering in self-pity, when you experience disappointment and unhappiness. You would force yourself to rise higher, to the level of reason, intelligence and light. When you are suffering and distressed, say to yourself: ‘You are right, I understand, and I am going to get the handkerchiefs ready to wipe away your tears. But wait a bit, I need to do a little thinking first.’ And in reflecting, you find the solution much more rapidly than if you had satisfied the part of you that is so sensitive. Otherwise, what happens? You complain, you cry for three or four hours… stopping only because you are worn out! And the next day you begin again, but your tears and lamentations solve [VN4]nothing. So, instead of remaining below in your feelings, why not force yourself to move out right away and take up residence on high, in the spiritual realm which is pure reason, pure wisdom and pure light?" Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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