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Solomon’s Seal : its symbolism
"The seal of Solomon is a figure formed by two equilateral and intersecting triangles. (Diagram) The triangle pointing upwards represents the human being, striving toward the divine world through his spiritual work. The triangle pointing downwards represents the descent of the divine world, which seeks to penetrate the human being with its light. The circulation of energies from one world to the other is indicated by the fact that the two triangles not only intersect but communicate. Unity is the truth of creation: thanks to the relationship they maintain with one another, the higher and the lower, the superior and the inferior, spirit and matter must become one, for in this fusion, one never ceases to enrich the other. That which is inferior is absorbed by that which is superior and, at the same time, becomes its material receptacle as well."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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