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Solitude : we escape it by expanding our consciousne
"Many people complain of loneliness, even when they have a family, neighbours and other relationships. What ingratitude! Even if they were physically alone, they should sense that in fact they have an immense family, their spiritual family, but their consciousness is so limited, so dim, that they fail to realize it. And this is the case for millions of people in the world. They feel alone. The only true remedy for loneliness is to expand one’s consciousness: to understand that even if you had neither father, mother, brother, sister, nor other blood relatives or people around you with whom to communicate, there would still be no reason for you to feel alone. When you know and understand that we are all brothers and sisters, all sons and daughters of the same Father, the cosmic spirit, and the same Mother, universal nature, you will never feel abandoned or unhappy again."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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